Body Positivity

The philosopher Thomas Hobbes stated that life is the “war of all against all”. Perhaps an extreme view, but it does remind us that it is difficult enough without being our own enemy.

The matter at hand is self-esteem. In the present, more than ever, we are surrounded by ideal body images, perfection in appearance. Those born with genetics that allow display in social media, in school, on streaming platforms and reality television are awarded. It appears to be the perfect life – no intellect, no work, adoration and wealth. A child without a perfect form must deal with this on a level his or her parents could not imagine. Most of these books are for those with body positivity issues, but these are books that should be introduced to all children. This is a struggle for everyone and the sooner it is discussed, the better. Awareness and not just toughness.

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Abigail the Whale

Written by Davide Cali, Illustrated by Sonja Bougaeva

Abigail is a larger child. Larger than the somewhat insensitive classmates in her swim lessons. In fact, they ridicule the splash she makes when she jumps in the water.  As a result, she hates the pool, she hates the swimming strokes and feels like she causes a tsunami when she moves in the water.

Fortunately, she has a supportive and wise swimming teacher who tells her that as we think, we become and implores her to think “light”.

Abigail tries this and to her delight, it works. In fact, she begins to practice positivity by way of words selected to fit the situation and to provide benefit to her.

The illustrations are terrific and provide comic relief as some of our heroine’s imagination are displayed in page edge to edge vibrant colors that demand attention.

Eyes that Kiss in the Corners

Written by Joanna Ho and Illustrated by Dung Ho

The story is narrated by a young girl who describes three generations of women in her family and their eyes with epicanthal fold.

There is recognition that all eyes are beautiful in their own way and instead of compare and contrast, she simply explains why hers are special in their own way.

Additionally, references to other cultures are abundant here providing a window from which the intellectually curious child can glean a starting point to learn more.

Rendered in vibrant watercolor, this book will be enjoyed by younger audiences.