A short time ago, the word “gay” was considered and adequate catch-all to describe anyone who did not practice social norms associated with sexual preference or behavior.

Today, we have a better understanding of how complex the human condition is as it relates to identity, preference, attraction and life choices.

Soon, it will be an accepted part of society that people are free to choose who they partner with and how they identify. To that end, there are some stories to consider for introducing a normal characteristics of humanity.

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And Tango Makes Three

Written by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, Illustrated by Henry Cole

And Tango Makes Three is based on a true story. I didn’t know that as I read the book, but while not surprised, I did not think often of members of the animal kingdom being homosexual. Which kind of underscores the point that it is a question of nature and not nurture.

Despite my affection for this story acting as a vehicle to destroy the argument that homosexuality is a sin, I was more taken by the overwhelming acceptance of the same sex couple by the other animals, including the humans. Somehow a gay penguin couple raising a penguin chick did not cause the earth to end.

The illustrations are a soothing watercolor and colored pencil and moves the story well.

A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo

Written by Jill Twiss and Illustrated by EG Keller (Gerald Kelly)

Marlon Bundo was the real-life rabbit pet of then Vice President Mike Pence. The book reviewed here was a response to the book Marlon Bundo’s A Day in the life of the Vice President written by Pence’s daughter Charlotte Pence and illustrated by his wife Karen Pence.

Written by a staff member of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo was promoted on the HBO program by Oliver himself and released one day prior to the publication of the Pence book. One may wonder who Pence pissed off?

If you weren’t paying attention, Pence was particularly obnoxious when it came to matters regarding the LGBTQ community. Supporting conversion therapy among other things that are, simply, crazy.

The book is a political parody and has plenty of relevant cultural references and humorous dialogue and boy, did I mention they go after Pence?

Kids may be clueless to the emotion driving the glee in seeing Pence analog Stink Bug voted out of power, but most adults will appreciate seeing this treatment of a man with truly repugnant ideas in and out of the gay community.

The book is a nice enough children’s book in an of itself, although I prefer kids books that are made for kids primarily and not so much a vendetta piece. And although deserved, this book is that.